The Academy
An academy is, by definition, a "meeting of people, literary people, scholars or artists" with something in common. The International Karate-do Academy brings together karate-do practitioners who aspire to a common and authentic vision of this martial art ...

Jean Pierre Lavorato Sensei
He started karate in 1962, trained on Henry Plée dojo with the pioneers, went to Japan in 66, then seized in France team with Valera, Baroux, Setrouk and Co. Today, at 79, Jean-Pierre Lavorato belongs to the very closed circle of the highest ranking French, the 9th dan. Story of a passion that never went out.

Membership form
If you would like to join the International Karate-do Academy, please fill out the membership form and send it back to the address listed above, or better yet, come to the next International Karate-do Academy course.